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High purity alumina powder and carrier series
Manufacturing method product Specific surface (m2/g) Pore ??volume (ml/g) Na2O% Fe2O3% SO42-% P2O5% SiO2% β-3H2O% Cl-% Dry basis% Remarks
GA-385 ≥240 ≥0.40 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - 10-30 - - Spherical carrier
GA-384 ≥250 ≥0.40 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - 10-30 - ≥75 Powder
GA-381 ≥250 ≥0.40 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 - - - ≤5 - ≥75 Powder
GA-382 ≥250 ≥0.40 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - ≤5 - ≥75 Powder
GA-383 ≥120 ≥0.35 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 - - - ≤5 - - Microsphere
JHF-16 ≥380 ≥0.85 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤1.2 3.8-5.0 - ≤3 - ≥70 Powder
JHF-02 ≥280 ≥0.9 ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤1.5 - - ≤3 - ≥68 Powder
JHF-74 ≥450 1.1-1.5 ≤0.03 ≤0.05 ≤1.2 0.7-1.3 32-38 ≤3 - ≥70 Powder
Hydrochloric acid method JHF-24-1 ≥180 0.4-0.6 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - ≤2 ≤0.3 ≥70 Powder
JHF-24-2 ≥220 0.6-0.8 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - ≤2 ≤0.3 ≥70 Powder
JHF-24-3 ≥230 0.8-1.1 ≤0.05 ≤0.03 - - - ≤2 ≤0.3 ≥70 Powder
JHF-03 ≥220 ≥0.60 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 - - 50±5 ≤5 ≤0.3 ≥70 Powder
JHF-36 ≥400 0.9-1.1 ≤0.03 ≤0.03 - - 3.0±0.3 ≤3 ≤0.3 ≥70 Powder
Note: 1.GA-385ball diameterΦ1-2, Φ2-3, Φ3-5 Pore volume and specific surface changes with changes in firing temperature, can also produce the user's requirements.
2.GA-383is a microsphere carrierwith a particle size of45μm-90μm≥85%, andits specific surface and Pore volume vary with the calcination temperature, and the particle size can be produced according to user requirements.
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